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A Hand Again!

Poker Hand Recording App
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- No Limit holdem
- Limit Holdem
- Pot Limit Holdem
- Omaha hi/lo
- PLO hi/lo
- Big O
- Stud
- Stud hi/lo
- Razz
- Horse
- 2-7 Triple Draw

Want to know how you could improve?

Allen Kessler
Ask A Pro! Submit your hand to the notorious Allen “Chainsaw” Kessler. Want to run through competitors, and want to know how you can improve and how to take your poker game to the next level? Allen is one of the best at understanding the game and passing on his expertise. Ranked 10th all time with over 300 tournament cashes and has nearly $4million in career earnings. Allen is one of the best at understanding the game and passing on his expertise. You will receive in-depth feedback for any hand you have played. Send it over to him take advantage of his expertise!

Melanie Weisner
Ask A Pro! Submit your hand to one of the most accomplished female poker players of all time with over 30 WSOP cashes, Melanie Weisner! Find out the solutions to your poker conundrums straight from the pro’s mouth. You’ll receive in-depth feedback that can help you take your game to the next level by increasing your knowledge and understanding of the game.